Archive for the ‘Where Art Thou’ Category


Currently, I’m reading a book entitled “What Makes A Winner” written by Whit Criswell, and it is actually a combination of inspiring ideas and principles adapted from the Bible for business and life. For me, it’s more of a “wake-up call book” to call my attention of what I’ve been focusing on with my life and I must commend the author for publishing a book which is worth reading for.


Being smart and quite a perfectionist before never gave me a chance to have a lot of real friends. When I was young, I thought it was my problem to be always “misunderstood”, perhaps because I was a bit more tactful and opinionated at a lot of things, and sometimes I was so naive that when I tend to praise people, it comes as something fake or with a hidden agenda. But honestly, it was just a pure compliment that I’m giving to them because I was brought up with the kind of world where you don’t expect people to appreciate you for everything. And I thought that people needs that — an honest compliment, a praise, a commendation or even a thank you. 

As I grow up, I realized that I never have to blame myself for what other people may think of me, but I should always be aware of my actions and my words. The thing is, when I’m not doing anything wrong in my conscience, then there’s nothing to be worried about. Worry, as I’ve learned, is a deal-breaker. I may have been clueless of who my real friends are when I was a growing adolescent, but as I aged and matured, I learned that you cannot please everyone and true friends will be willing to stay with you no matter how many stones people will throw at you.

I’ve been learning that for the past 27 years, and one favorite quote I learned from my MDS sister was “At my age, I already establish the people who stay in my life and the people who will just be passing through”. I finally understood what it meant having to face all kinds of adversity, that yes, in our daily lives, we will meet different types of people with various circumstances, but it will only be up to our choice whether we let them be a blessing to us or a lesson.

The best thing that you have to be wary about is how deep you know yourself as a person. I often ask myself if what I’m doing is worth for my growth as an individual. Will the 10-year older me be happy with the actions of my present me? I re-evaluate often as far as I can to see how I am changing as a person. Will that be even for the better or only for the worse? As to what we have believed that change is inevitable, adapting to it is a must.

Hence, upon facing difficulties, I’ve started anew by letting go of the negative things in my life and realized that there are so much good in this world to begin with. I made this Tumblr account where I kept on posting random things about life and the world as people may have understood it, and upon glancing back to all what I’ve posted, I was happy that my blog is that other part of myself which brings out the good in me. It was like an intangible friend whose words and advices, and photos reflect so much beauty in a person. The life, the dreams, the daily advice – all existed in my blog.

And if I was just another reader, I would have thought that the blogger was indeed an incredible human being who had so much going on with her life, that regardless of her struggles in life, she was that person who’s willing to be a light to others. That’s how I see her blog. That’s how I see my blog. And that’s how I wanted to keep it – good vibes and all.

Write something as if you are talking to yourself. As Whit Criswell explains in his book “My self-talk influences my self esteem. We are constantly talking to ourselves unconsciously.” What we write will always be a reflection of what we are – heart and soul.

As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.

Proverbs 27:19

I learned that being an optimist is seeing that from the hundreds of people I’ve encountered in my life, there was about ¾ of them who’ll always see me as an inspiration, a beautiful person inside out, someone that people would look up to. And rather than focusing on all the negatives, I am starting with what makes my life positive, continuing to be better every day and preparing my soul for the big day when I’ll have a chance to face the Lord and tell Him how I made my journey worthwhile.

Random Thoughts
by Doctor Shei
